What is the SandBox Law?
What is the SandBox Law?
Law 6491, known as the "SandBox Law," was introduced by the Executive Branch of the GCBA through the Secretariat of Innovation. It regulates a controlled testing environment designed to facilitate the implementation of technological innovation projects. In this context, the Parque de Innovación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires will serve as this controlled space, allowing research protocols to be conducted. The goal is to enable future extension of these innovations to other areas of the City or the country.

What is an autonomous vehicle and how does it work?
An autonomous vehicle is a self-operating machine that utilizes advanced autonomous driving technologies to function without human intervention. Equipped with sensors, cameras, radars, navigation systems, and sophisticated software, these vehicles can perceive their surroundings, make real-time decisions, and navigate safely along predetermined or programmed routes.
Are there any success stories in the world?
Yes, just to mention a few, the French-Japanese company GMM (Gaussin Macnica Mobility) before being present on Argentine soil, supplied autonomous buses to the United States, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Japan, United Arab Emirates, among many others. Although Chile has made a test financed by the IDB in 2020, Argentina is the first country in Latin America to have a vehicle that operates without a driver on a permanent basis, which makes us pioneers in this area at regional level.
What are the technical characteristics of the Bus at PI?
The bus is an electric vehicle with the following dimensions: 4.78 meters in length, 2.10 meters in width, and 2.67 meters in height. Weighing 2,600 kg, it is navigated using GNSS technology, which surpasses GPS in accuracy. This system, combined with satellite georeferencing and LIDAR, enables precise location tracking using a detailed 3D map of the area. The bus's battery requires 4 to 5 hours to fully charge at 32 kW and 10 hours at 16 kW, and it offers a driving range of up to 65 km.
How many people can get on?
Up to 15 people can be on board (11 seated and 4 standing).
Is it suitable for people with reduced mobility?
That's right! It has a ramp and space for a wheelchair to enter.
What is the relationship with ITBA in the project?
This pilot research project on intelligent and sustainable urban mobility is conducted in collaboration with ITBA (Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires). The role of the PI is to support this project and other initiatives that foster technological and scientific innovation. The aim is to test these innovations and, following successful trials, scale them up for broader implementation, extending from Buenos Aires to the rest of Argentina.
Since the Innovation Park of Buenos Aires is newly established and still developing, we have much to learn from existing innovation parks. Building relationships with these established parks is crucial. Specifically, we have already established cooperative relationships with the following international innovation partners:
Bilateral Cooperation

Johannesburg Park
It is a collaborative space for urban development in Sweden, where innovations for a sustainable society are generated by bringing together academia, society and business.
Location: Sweden.
Go to web siteBilateral Cooperation

Ruta N Medellín
Ruta N is Medellin's innovation and business center, dedicated to promoting science, technology and innovation in the city to improve the quality of life.
Location: Medellín, Colombia.
Barcelona, Spain.
It is a private business association that brings together the main organizations of the 22@ district in Barcelona, promoting innovation, technology and creativity in the city.
It is a collaborative space for urban development in Sweden, where innovations for a sustainable society are generated by bringing together academia, society and business.
Basque Country, Spain.
This technology park integrates three important parks in the Basque Country and focuses on thematic areas such as personalized health, clean energy and smart industry.
Association of Parks of Spain (APTE).
It is an association that brings together professionals responsible for urban green infrastructure in Spain, especially in the maintenance of public green areas.
Barcelona Activa
Barcelona Activa promotes the economic competitiveness of the city of Barcelona and the development of quality employment, supporting entrepreneurship and a diverse and sustainable business fabric.
Bio-Technopark Schlieren Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
Promotes the transfer of knowledge and technology in the field of biosciences, providing support services to companies, seeking funding and more.
Technoparque de Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland
It is a key center for technology transfer in Switzerland, supporting innovative start-ups and offering advisory and coaching services.
Málaga Tech Park
Andalusia, Spain.
The Andalusia Technology Park is a space that houses companies dedicated to R&D and technology, promoting innovation, talent and technological modernization in the region.
National Digital Content Pole (Malaga City Council)
Malaga, Spain.
This center, supported by the City of Malaga, is the main laboratory and hub for digital content in Spain, supporting entrepreneurship and the internationalization of companies in this sector.
¿Qué es la IASP?
Es una asociación mundial gestionada por expertos en parques científicos y tecnológicos y áreas de innovación. A su vez, es una Organización No Gubernamental independiente, sin fines de lucro, con estatus consultivo especial ante el Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC). Actualmente cuenta con 350 miembros distribuidos en 80 países del mundo.
¿Cuáles son sus funciones?
- Coordinar una red activa de gestores de parques científicos/tecnológicos.
- Mejorar nuevas oportunidades de negocio para los miembros.
- Aumentar la visibilidad de los miembros y multiplicar sus conexiones globales.
- Representar parques y áreas de innovación en foros e instituciones internacionales.
- Ayudar al desarrollo de nuevos parques y áreas de innovación.
¿Por qué es importante ser miembro de la IASP?
Al ser la Asociación líder de ecosistemas de innovación a nivel mundial, resulta fundamental nuestra participación.
¿Qué es la Alianza Distritos de Innovación?
La ‘Innovation District Alliance’ es una plataforma dentro de la IASP para compartir buenas prácticas, profundizar en el análisis y los datos de los distritos, y promover conexiones internacionales entre los agentes de los ecosistemas de innovación. Esto nos da posicionamiento y permite entablar vínculos estrechos con Parques de todo el mundo, aprender de sus experiencias y replicar sus aciertos.
La Red de Parques Tecnológico de Argentina (RedPPAr) surge ante la necesidad de crear una Red que permita generar vínculos para ayudar a cumplir objetivos y agregar valor a los Parques y Polos Tecnológicos.
El 4 de septiembre de 2020, se firma el acta de constitución de la RedPPAr entre las instituciones: Fundación Parque Tecnológico Misiones, Mendoza TIC Parque Tecnológico, Parque de Innovación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Parque Empresarial Austral, Científico y Tecnológico, Parque Tecnológico del Litoral Centro, Parque Tecnológico Mendoza, Parque Tecnológico de Puerto Madryn, Parque Tecnológico UNNE – Provincia de Corrientes, Polo Tecnológico Bahía Blanca, Polo Tecnológico Esperanza, Polo Tecnológico Rosario – Zona i.El objetivo general de la Red es constituir y consolidar una red de Parques y Polos Tecnológicos en la República Argentina que promueva la innovación, el desarrollo tecnológico, la transferencia de conocimiento, el empleo de calidad y el emprendedurismo; favoreciendo el desarrollo de empresas basadas en el conocimiento con el fin de impulsar el desarrollo económico y el bienestar general del país.
Red Iberoamericana
La Red Iberoamericana de Parques Científicos y Tecnológicos nace con el respaldo de Andalucía y con el asesoramiento de Málaga TechPark, que ha asumido su coordinación junto a la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), impulsora de la iniciativa. Dicha Red está compuesta por aproximadamente treinta Parques de once países: España, Portugal, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, México, Panamá, Paraguay y Uruguay. ¿Cuál es su finalidad? Reforzar la estrategia de innovación de Iberoamérica a través del fortalecimiento de las empresas y su vinculación con los grupos académicos instalados en los parques que forman parte de dicha red.
¿Por qué es importante que el PI forme parte?
Porque proporciona beneficios que pueden fortalecer la posición del Parque en el ecosistema global de innovación y tecnología, facilitar su crecimiento, fomentar la colaboración, contribuir al desarrollo económico y social de la región, además de dar visibilidad a escala mundial.